Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The ActivTrades Financial Trading Summit 2016

This Saturday, 19th November 2016, you are invited to attend The ActivTrades Financial Trading Summit, organized by the leading online broker ActivTrades. 
The Summit will be held in the May Fair hotel in London. 

During this Summit various financial experts, such as:

-Paul Wallace, a professional financial trader with more than 24 years’ experience working in competitive, results-driven, performance environments

-Martin Walker, a full time Trader, Trading Educator and Mentor

-Catherine Stott, author of ‘HypnoTrading: a practical guide to using hypnosis and NLP to improve your trading performance’

and many others will equip you with essential strategies and the trading psychology needed to start or enhance your trading.

Apart from the various topics these experts will discuss with you, all attendees will receive access to a free 2-week online trading course worth £495.


  1. Good to know! Thanks.
    I will definitely join.

  2. Valuable information, thank you for sharing!

  3. #ActivTradesSummit2016
    Very detailed and complete information to keep in mind.

  4. #ActivTradesSummit2016
    Great advice, I will definitely register!

  5. #ActivTradesSummit2016
    That is great to know, thank you for sharing!

  6. Sounds very useful. Definitely will join!

  7. Amazing opportunity, not to miss!

  8. Great chance to meet fellow traders and learn from experts!
